Results for 'H. H. H. van Erp'

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  1. Benelearn, 18-10 May.M. Van Zaanen, J. H. Stehouwer & M. G. J. van Erp - 2009 - The Reasoner 3 (7):10-11.
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    Boekbesprekingen.P. C. Beentjes, A. L. H. M. van Wieringen, J. Lust, Martin Parmentier, Martien Parmentier, A. H. C. van Eijk, Stephan van Erp, Anke Passenier, Ben Vedder, Carlo Leget, Luc Anckaert & F. Jespers - 2000 - Bijdragen 61 (1):91-114.
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  3. Verlichting en vooruitgang in de geschiedenisfilosofie van Immanuel Kant Lumières et progrès dans la philosophie de l'histoire de Kant.H. Van Erp - 1988 - Algemeen Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Wijsbegeerte 80 (1):1-17.
  4. Globalisering: oud en nieuw.H. H. H. van Erp - 2003 - Wijsgerig Perspectief 43 (3):39-49.
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    Political Obligation, Dirty Hands and Torture; A Moral Evaluation.H. van Erp - 2013 - South African Journal of Philosophy 32 (1):109-122.
    The example of a political leader who has to decide whether he would allow the torture of a suspect in order to get information about a ticking bomb has become notorious in ethical discussions concerning the tension between moral principles and political necessity. The relation between these notions must be made as clear as possible before a sincere moral evaluation of ticking bomb situations can be given. The first section of this article considers whether the concept of political obligation is (...)
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    Disrupted Working Memory Circuitry in Adolescent Psychosis.Ariel Eckfeld, Katherine H. Karlsgodt, Kristen M. Haut, Peter Bachman, Maria Jalbrzikowski, Jamie Zinberg, Theo G. M. van Erp, Tyrone D. Cannon & Carrie E. Bearden - 2017 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 11.
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    Boekbesprekingen.Willem A. M. Beuken, P. C. Beentjes, Bart J. Koet, Theo de Kruijf, Hans Vandenholen, L. van Tongeren, Frans Vervooren, Liuwe H. Westra, Arie L. Molendijk, Stephan van Erp, A. J. M. van der Helm, R. Munnik, Walter Van Herck, Marin Terpstra, H. Göns, A. Poncelet, Johan Taels & D. C. Mulder - 1998 - Bijdragen 59 (3):338-362.
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    Truth in Tragedy: When are we Entitled to Doubt a Character's Words?A. Maria van Erp Taalman Kip - 1996 - American Journal of Philology 117 (4):517-536.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Truth in Tragedy:When are we Entitled to Doubt a Character's Words?A. Maria Van Erp Taalman KipIn Sophocles' Electra 563–76 Electra explains what happened at Aulis. Because Agamemnon had shot a stag in Artemis' grove and boasted of his deed, the goddess demanded the sacrifice of his daughter. If he refused, the Greeks would not be allowed to leave Aulis, either to go home or to sail to Troy. Thus, (...)
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  9. Review of the book Welfare and Enlightenment. An Enquiry into the Rational Foundation of the Welfare State, H. Lindahl, 1996, 90-6186-671-5. [REVIEW]Hhh Van Erp - 1996 - Algemeen Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Wijsbegeerte 88 (1):65-68.
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  10. Review of the book Wegen naar vrijheid. Autonomie, emancipatie en cultuur in de westerse wereld, H. Blokland, 1996, 90-5352-189-5. [REVIEW]Hhh Van Erp - 1996 - Algemeen Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Wijsbegeerte 88 (2):163-165.
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    Old age and forgoing treatment: a nationwide mortality follow-back study in the Netherlands.Sandra Martins Pereira, H. Roeline Pasman, Agnes van der Heide, Johannes J. M. van Delden & Bregje D. Onwuteaka-Philipsen - 2015 - Journal of Medical Ethics 41 (9):766-770.
  12. Kritiek op Hegels Rechtsfilosofie; Filosofie van de staat.K. Marx, Herman van Erp, Frans van Peperstraten & Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel - 1989 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 51 (4):732-733.
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    Hoofdlijnen van de geschiedenis der rechtsfilosofie.H. J. Van Eikema Hommes - 1981 - Deventer: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
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    Mogelijkheid en geldigheid Van de categorische imperatief: Kants bewijsvoering in de grundlegung zur metaphysik der sitten.Herman Van Erp - 2007 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 69 (2):299-324.
    Kant's Grundlegung zur Metaphysik der Sitten is popular as an introduction into his philosophy and into fundamental ethics in general. Its third chapter is, nevertheless, a notoriously difficult text. According to many interpreters, it raises questions rather than answering them. This article tries to answer some questions which often remain unclear even in the secondary literature: how is the logical structure of the chapter; what exactly is the synthetic character of the categorical imperative; how does freedom function as the third, (...)
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    Moraal, geluk en verantwoordelijkheid: een filosofisch onderzoek naar de betekenis en het object van morele verplichting.Herman van Erp - 2000 - Assen: Van Gorcum.
    Inleiding tot de wijsgerige ethiek, met bijzondere aandacht voor het kantiaanse perspectief.
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  16. Playing Cards with Hintikka: An introduction to dynamic epistemic logic.H. van Ditmarsch, W. van der Hoek & B. Kooi - 2005 - Australasian Journal of Logic 3:108-134.
    This contribution is a gentle introduction to so-called dynamic epistemic logics, that can describe how agents change their knowledge and beliefs. We start with a concise introduction to epistemic logic, through the example of one, two and finally three players holding cards; and, mainly for the purpose of motivating the dynamics, we also very summarily introduce the concepts of general and common knowledge. We then pay ample attention to the logic of public announcements, wherein agents change their knowledge as the (...)
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  17. Dynamics of nonlinear feedback control.H. Snippe & J. H. van Hateren - 1996 - In Enrique Villanueva, Perception. Ridgeview Pub. Co. pp. 182-182.
    Feedback control in neural systems is ubiquitous. Here we study the mathematics of nonlinear feedback control. We compare models in which the input is multiplied by a dynamic gain (multiplicative control) with models in which the input is divided by a dynamic attenuation (divisive control). The gain signal (resp. the attenuation signal) is obtained through a concatenation of an instantaneous nonlinearity and a linear low-pass filter operating on the output of the feedback loop. For input steps, the dynamics of gain (...)
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  18. (1 other version)Professor Dr. H. I J. Groenewegen 1902 bis 7. Mai 1927.H. W. Van der Vaart Smit - 1927 - Société Française de Philosophie, Bulletin 32:543.
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    Les archives Husserl a louvain.H. L. Van Breda, Rudolf Boehm & Jacques Ridé - 1954 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 9 (1):3 - 20.
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    Holiness in the Making.Stephan van Erp - 2017 - Journal of Religious Ethics 45 (2):278-290.
    In this essay, I will argue that a political theology of human work can provide the sacramental principle underlying the theology of labor. This principle could complement the foundations of Catholic social teaching, since the sacramental aspects of work have not been made very explicit in the ethical framework of the Church's theology of work. The view of labor as the active participation in God's future is an important aspect of such a theology. In order to serve as a foundation (...)
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    Metabletica en wetenschap: kritische bestandsopname van het werk van J.H. van den Berg.J. H. van den Berg & J. van Belzen (eds.) - 1997 - Rotterdam: Erasmus Publishing.
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    Major trends in the history of legal philosophy.H. J. Van Eikema Hommes - 1979 - New York: distributors for the U.S.A. and Canada, Elsevier North-Holland.
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    Het theologische karakter van de theologale deugden.Stephan van Erp - 2014 - Algemeen Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Wijsbegeerte 106 (2):133-137.
    Amsterdam University Press is a leading publisher of academic books, journals and textbooks in the Humanities and Social Sciences. Our aim is to make current research available to scholars, students, innovators, and the general public. AUP stands for scholarly excellence, global presence, and engagement with the international academic community.
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    Improving Real-Life Estimates of Emotion Based on Heart Rate: A Perspective on Taking Metabolic Heart Rate Into Account.Anne-Marie Brouwer, Elsbeth van Dam, Jan B. F. van Erp, Derek P. Spangler & Justin R. Brooks - 2018 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 12.
  25. Public Services International (PSI), Education International (EI), International Council of Nurses (ICN)-Communique: World Bank report lets down 58 million public service workers (Reprinted from International Council of Nurses).H. Engelberts, F. van Leeuwen, J. Oulton, M. Waghome, D. Marlet & L. Carrier-Walker - 2004 - Nursing Ethics 11 (2):205-209.
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  26. Atlas of the Early Christian World.F. van der Meer, Christine Mohrmann, Mary F. Hedlund & H. H. Rowley - 1958
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  27. Modal Logics and Bounded First-Order Fragments'.H. Andréka, J. van Benthem & I. Németi - forthcoming - Journal of Philosophical Logic.
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    Physicians’ views on the role of relatives in euthanasia and physician-assisted suicide decision-making: a mixed-methods study among physicians in the Netherlands.H. Roeline Pasman, Agnes van der Heide, Bregje D. Onwuteaka-Philipsen & Sophie C. Renckens - 2024 - BMC Medical Ethics 25 (1):1-14.
    BackgroundRelatives have no formal position in the practice of euthanasia and physician-assisted suicide (EAS) according to Dutch legislation. However, research shows that physicians often involve relatives in EAS decision-making. It remains unclear why physicians do (not) want to involve relatives. Therefore, we examined how many physicians in the Netherlands involve relatives in EAS decision-making and explored reasons for (not) involving relatives and what involvement entails.MethodsIn a mixed-methods study, 746 physicians (33% response rate) completed a questionnaire, and 20 were interviewed. The (...)
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    Connected Through Mediated Social Touch: “Better Than a Like on Facebook.” A Longitudinal Explorative Field Study Among Geographically Separated Romantic Couples.Martijn T. van Hattum, Gijs Huisman, Alexander Toet & Jan B. F. van Erp - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    In recent years, there has been a significant increase in research on mediated communication via social touch. Previous studies indicated that mediated social touch can induce similar positive outcomes to interpersonal touch. However, studies investigating the user experience of MST technology predominantly involve brief experiments that are performed in well-controlled laboratory conditions. Hence, it is still unknown how MST affects the relationship and communication between physically separated partners in a romantic relationship, in a naturalistic setting and over a longer period (...)
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    Democratic pluralism and majority rule.Herman van Erp - 1999 - South African Journal of Philosophy 18 (4):347-355.
  31. Paul Hensel.H. W. Van der Vaart Smit - 1930 - Kant Studien 35:560.
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    The Painter and the Photograph, from Delacroix to WarholMy Life in Sculpture.Van Deren Coke, Jacques Lipchitz & H. H. Arnason - 1972 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 31 (2):280.
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    »New Morality« und christliche Ethik.H. Van Oyen - 1967 - Zeitschrift Für Evangelische Ethik 11 (1):34-42.
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    Replik des zur Rede Gestellten.H. Van Oyen - 1967 - Zeitschrift Für Evangelische Ethik 11 (1):374-375.
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    Een nieuw argument voor het probabilisme.H. Ernst & A. van Leeuwen - 1956 - Bijdragen 17 (2):201-203.
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    Paulus se liggaam-metafoor in 1 Korintiërs 12 in literêr-historiese konteks.H. Goede & Fika J. Van Rensburg - 2006 - HTS Theological Studies 62 (4).
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    Antwort auf die kritischen Bemerkungen von G. Stratenwerth zum Aufsatz über die »Grenzfälle in der medizinischen Ethik«.H. Van Oyen - 1960 - Zeitschrift Für Evangelische Ethik 4 (1):365-367.
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    Bemerkungen zu den Leitsätzen von Dr. Fischer: »Evangelische Verantwortung für gesundes Leben«.H. Van Oyen - 1960 - Zeitschrift Für Evangelische Ethik 4 (1):369-372.
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    Gibt es eine evangelische Ethik der Grenzfälle?H. Van Oyen - 1957 - Zeitschrift Für Evangelische Ethik 1 (1):2-17.
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    Grenzfälle in der medizinischen Ethik.H. Van Oyen - 1960 - Zeitschrift Für Evangelische Ethik 4 (1):193-207.
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    Applications of distributed artificial intelligence in industry.H. Van Dyke Parunak - 1996 - In N. Jennings & G. O'Hare, Foundations of Distributed Artificial Intelligence. Wiley. pp. 139-164.
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    De Novis Libris Iudicia.H. W. Pleket, G. -J.-M.-J. Te Riele, W. Den Boer, E. J. Jonkers, G. Van Hoorn, J. H. M. M. Loenen, C. J. Ruijgh, J. C. Kamerbeek, M. J. Sicking, G. J. De Vries, L. G. Westerink, G. J. D. Aalders, H. Wagenvoort, J. W. Fuchs, A. D. Leeman, P. J. Enk, D. Kuijper, J. J. Thierry, J. H. Waszink & B. A. Van Groningen - 1960 - Mnemosyne 13 (4):331-383.
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    Symposium: Are Religious Dogmas Cognitive and Meaningful?Virgil C. Aldrich, Charles Hartshorne, Harold H. Titus, H. Van Rensselaer Wilson, Patrick Romanell, Woodrow W. Sayre, William S. Minor, Philip Merlan, Y. H. Krikorian, John Herman Randall, James Gutmann, Sidney Hook, C. J. Ducasse & Raphael Demos - 1954 - Journal of Philosophy 51 (5):145.
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    The Cult of ChildhoodWhat Is a Picture?Van Meter Ames, George Boas & H. H. Wrenn - 1968 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 26 (4):546.
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    Playing cards with Hintikka An introduction to dynamic epistemic logic.H. P. Ditmarsch, W. Van Der Hoek & B. P. Kooi - unknown
    This contribution is a gentle introduction to so-called dynamic epistemic logics, that can describe how agents change their knowledge and beliefs. We start with a concise introduction to epistemic logic, through the example of one, two and finally three players holding cards; and, mainly for the purpose of motivating the dynamics, we also very summarily introduce the concepts of general and common knowledge. We then pay ample attention to the logic of public announcements, wherein agents change their knowledge as the (...)
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    Models with Orderings.H. J. Keisler, B. van Rootselaar & J. F. Staal - 1974 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 39 (2):334-335.
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    Counting and Number Line Trainings in Kindergarten: Effects on Arithmetic Performance and Number Sense.Ilona Friso-van den Bos, Evelyn H. Kroesbergen & Johannes E. H. Van Luit - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
  48. Godsdienst op een keerpunt.H. Küng, A. Van Harskamp, B. Musschenga & W. Drees - 1992 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 54 (1):155-156.
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    Le concept de droit.H. L. A. Hart, Michel van de Kerchove, Joëlle van Drooghenbroeck & Raphaël Célis - 1994 - Publications des Facultés universitaires Saint-Louis.
    Quelle différence y a-t-il entre des règles de droit et des ordres appuyés de menaces? Qu'est-ce qu'une obligation juridique et en quoi se trouve-t-elle apparentée à une obligation morale? Quelle est la nature des règles et dans quelle mesure le droit consiste-t-il en des règles? Qu'est-ce que la justice et en quoi diffère-t-elle du reste de la morale?Au cours d'une discussion approfondie et séparée de ces problèmes récurrents, l'auteur relève une série d'éléments d'une importance essentielle pour la compréhension du droit, (...)
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  50. Ondernemen in de open samenleving.Rutger Claassen & Judith van Erp - 2019 - Den Haag, Nederland: Boom Bestuurskunde.
    Internationale markten zijn de afgelopen decennia sterk mondiaal ontwikkeld en veel bedrijven zijn in deze geglobaliseerde context uitgegroeid tot belangrijke, quasi-politieke spelers. Deze stormachtige economische ontwikkelingen bieden kansen en welvaart aan velen, maar kennen echter ook schaduwzijden, van milieubelasting tot belastingontwijking. In deze bundel verkennen de auteurs het idee van de ‘open samenleving’ om vat te krijgen op deze nieuwe realiteit. De open samenleving naar het ideaal van Popper, waarin mensen de vrijheid hebben om hun mening uit te drukken, initiatief (...)
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